Date: July 14th, 2014 | Comments : none | Categories: Animals, Cultures, Landscape, Oregon, Summer, Unusual Interest, USA.

Cattle Roundup, Tillimook, OR


Date: April 7th, 2014 | Comments : none | Categories: Green, Insects, Leaves, Texas, Travel USA, Trees, Unusual Interest, Urban and State Parks, USA.

Leaf-cutter Ants, Choke Canyon State Park, Texas Leaf-cutter Ants, Choke Canyon State Park, Texas


Date: February 13th, 2014 | Comments : none | Categories: Animals, City Streets, Oregon, Smile, Unusual Interest, USA.

Hashtag #Goat visits downtown Portland


Date: September 14th, 2013 | Comments : none | Categories: Autumn, beach, Design, Elements, Oregon, Oregon beaches, seascape, Summer, Travel USA, Unusual Interest, USA.

Netarts Bay, OR Phenomena-Sand Sculptures


Oceanside, OR, USA beach: sand sculpted by water and windOceanside, OR, USA beach: sand sculpted by water and windNetarts Bay OR phenomena - Sand Sculptures

Oceanside, OR, USA beach: sand sculpted by water and windOceanside, OR, USA beach: sand sculpted by water and windOceanside, OR, USA beach: sand sculpted by water and wind


Netarts Bay OR phenomena - Sand Sculptures


Netarts Bay and Oceanside beach, Oregon…receding tides and excessive winds create the most unusual, other-worldly sand formations looking like ice cream cones, space ships, pyramids, witches hats, etc. This series of photos were taken in Sept. and Oct. 2013 when shapes were particularly astonishing. Post note in Nov. 2015 – I have returned many times since, at different times of the year, and have never seen them quite so spectacular. I now know them to be extremely rare. The phenomenon seems to be restricted to within a 1/4 mile area near the town of Netarts.


Oceanside, OR, USA beach: sand sculpted by water and windOceanside, OR, USA beach: sand sculpted by water and windOceanside, OR, USA beach: sand sculpted by water and wind

Oceanside, OR, USA beach: sand sculpted by water and windOceanside, OR, USA beach: sand sculpted by water and windOceanside, OR, USA beach: sand sculpted by water and wind

Oceanside, OR, USA beach: sand sculpted by water and windOceanside, OR, USA beach: sand sculpted by water and windOceanside, OR, USA beach: sand sculpted by water and wind


Netarts Bay and Oceanside, Oregon phenomena - wind and tides formed sand sculptures


This Way - Netarts Bay, Oregon phenomena - wind and tides formed sand sculpturesThis Way - Netarts Bay, Oregon phenomena - wind and tides formed sand sculpturesNetarts Bay, Oregon phenomena - wind and tides formed sand sculptures
Netarts Bay, Oregon phenomena - wind and tides formed sand sculpturesNetarts Bay, Oregon phenomena - wind and tides formed sand sculpturesNetarts Bay, Oregon phenomena - wind and tides formed sand sculptures




Date: August 20th, 2013 | Comments : none | Categories: Animals, Autumn, beach, blue, Cultures, Design, orange, red, Travel, Travel USA, Unusual Interest, USA.

Long Beach, Washington Kite FestivalThe Long Beach, Washington Kite Museum holds an annual Kite Festival. This year, turn-out was minimal due to extreme winds and temperatures.


Huge tiger shaped kite, Long Beach, Washington Kite FestivalHuge ball kites, Long Beach, Washington Kite FestivalHuge dog kite, Long Beach, Washington Kite Festival


Date: August 11th, 2013 | Comments : none | Categories: Garden, Insects, Oregon, Unusual Interest.

Spider Ball: appears to be 3 large, two medium spiders, and a few tiny white hatchlingsSometimes subjects are so intriguing, I feel effectively spellbound. “Cringe” cannot quite describe the lingering feelings of regret and anguish over losing touch with the reality of holding a $1500 dollar camera while taking this photo! My EOS50D smashed to the cement sidewalk while trying photograph this unusual spider-ball. I cringe just thinking about it — the camera incident though, even more than the creepy spider-ball phenomenon. Thankfully everything appears to be in working order, except the lens.



Date: August 3rd, 2013 | Comments : none | Categories: abstract, Animals, Birds, Design, Elements, Garden, Insects, Moths and Butterflies, Oregon, Series, Trees, Unusual Interest, USA.

Sweetgum Log, rotting center produced these shapes Sweetgum tree log, shapes produced by central rot Sweetgum tree log, shapes produced by central rot


Sweetgum tree log, shapes produced by central rot Sweetgum tree log, shapes produced by central rot Sweetgum tree log, shapes produced by central rot


Earlier this year, just before the leaves came out on the eighty foot high Sweetgum tree in our yard, my husband cut it down. Any doubts we may have had about removing it as an ornamental disappeared when we saw how easily the branches snapped, and how the tree was starting to rot from the inside out. Setting the logs aside as I helped to lower them, I noticed these shapes produced by the dying core.


Date: June 29th, 2013 | Comments : none | Categories: City Streets, Oregon, Smile, Travel, Unusual Interest, USA.

Gale Creek, OR Air Mail mailbox


Date: May 10th, 2013 | Comments : none | Categories: abstract, beach, Elements, Oregon, Oregon beaches, rocks, Spring, Travel USA, Unusual Interest, USA.

Wind and Sand, Cannon Beach, OR


Date: March 6th, 2013 | Comments : none | Categories: blue, Design, Elements, golden light, Oregon, Unusual Interest.

Cozy, mesmerizing fire, Hillsboro, OR


Mesmerizing fire, blue flames from colored high quality paper in magazinesMesmerizing fire, blue flames from colored high quality paper in magazines


Date: February 26th, 2013 | Comments : none | Categories: Cultures, Design, Idaho, Travel USA, Unusual Interest, USA, winter.

Idaho Ram's head sculpture, parade floatIdaho Ram’s head sculpture, most likely for a parade float.


Date: January 24th, 2013 | Comments : none | Categories: Arizona, City Streets, Cultures, issues, Landscape, red, Travel, Travel USA, Unusual Interest, USA.

Phoenix, AZ, USA


Date: January 19th, 2013 | Comments : none | Categories: Design, Elements, Oregon, Seasonal, Unusual Interest, winter.

Frosty Web - trailer, driveway


Date: December 7th, 2012 | Comments : none | Categories: BC, Canada, orange, Seasonal, Travel, travel Canada, Trees, Unusual Interest, Urban and Provincial Parks, Vancouver Island, winter.

Arbutus, Creyke Pt., Vancouver Island BCIMG_6745smArbutus, Creyke Pt., Vancouver Island BC


Date: October 24th, 2012 | Comments : none | Categories: Autumn, BC, Canada, Design, Insects, travel Canada, Trees, Unusual Interest, Vancouver Island.

Strange insect burl, Cryke Point, Vancouver Island, BCStrange insect burl, Cryke Point, Vancouver Island, BC



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