Date: January 3rd, 2016 | Comments : none | Categories: Design, Elements, Oregon, Seasonal, Unusual Interest, Urban and State Parks, USA, Water, winter.

Little ice-teepee phenomena, Rood Bridge Park, Hillsboro, OR


Crackle designs are created by rocks thrown into frozen ponds at Rood Bridge Park Flooded waters freeze then recede, then freeze again, creating skirts of ice around trees


Date: September 30th, 2015 | Comments : none | Categories: Autumn, beach, Design, Elements, Landscape, Oregon, Oregon beaches, Series, Travel USA, Unusual Interest, Urban and State Parks, USA, Water.

Unusual sand formations created by tide and wind, Oceanside beach, ORUnusual sand formations created by tide and wind, Oceanside and Netarts Bay, OR


Unusual sand formations created by tide and wind, Oceanside beach, ORUnusual sand formations created by tide and wind, Oceanside beach, OR


Unusual sand formations created by tide and wind, Oceanside beach, OR


Date: September 29th, 2015 | Comments : none | Categories: Aquatic creatures, Autumn, beach, Oregon, Oregon beaches, seascape, Seasonal, Unusual Interest, USA.

Baby crab exoskeletons after molting and a Dungeness Crab shell


Clusters of baby Dungeness Crab molted exoskeletons washed up for miles along the shores of Oceanside and Netarts Bay, Oregon.


My foot shows the size of the baby crab exoskeletons Baby crab exoskeletons and a sand dollar, Oceanside, OR


Date: September 13th, 2015 | Comments : none | Categories: Autumn, Birds, blue, Sky, Unusual Interest, USA.

Dove shaped cloud, Hillsboro, OR


Date: August 28th, 2015 | Comments : none | Categories: Aquatic creatures, Autumn, beach, Design, Oregon, Oregon beaches, Seasonal, Unusual Interest, USA.

Millions of baby Mole Crabs washing ashore, Netarts Bay, ORBaby Mole Crabs, Netarts Bay, ORMillions of baby Mole Crabs washing ashore, Netarts Bay, OR


Date: July 13th, 2015 | Comments : none | Categories: Animals, Architecture, City Streets, Cultures, Design, Michigan, Travel USA, Unusual Interest, USA.

Comerica baseball Park, Detroit, MIComerica Park, Detroit, Michigan


Comerica baseball Park, Detroit, MIComerica Park, Detroit, MI


Date: July 12th, 2015 | Comments : none | Categories: City Streets, Environmental issues, Historic significance, Michigan, Travel, Travel USA, Unusual Interest.

Steam from underground pipes, Detroit, Michigan
Detroit Thermal: steam rising from from 39 miles of piping buried deep underground the city streets of Detroit, Michigan.



Date: June 8th, 2015 | Comments : none | Categories: BC, Canada, Design, Garden, Insects, red, Summer, Trees, Unusual Interest, Vancouver Island.

Alder tree insect galls


Date: June 3rd, 2015 | Comments : none | Categories: BC, Canada, Design, Flowers, Garden, pink, Seasonal, Summer, Unusual Interest, Vancouver Island.

HUGE pink poppy, Saanich, BC


Date: May 11th, 2015 | Comments : none | Categories: Garden, Insects, Oregon, rocks, Spring, Unusual Interest, USA.

Daring Jumping Spider in our garden



Date: April 30th, 2015 | Comments : none | Categories: City Streets, Garden, Insects, Oregon, Seasonal, Spring, Trees, Unusual Interest.

Domesticated Bees in our back yardDomesticated Bees in our back yard. Alain takes calls from people who have bees swarming in their yard or house, gets the bees settled in a new hive, brings them back here, then sets them up at one of two friends’ farm fields. We may keep this hive here though. Fascinating to watch.


Alain, Bee collection in SE PortlandAlain, Bee collection in SE Portland


Date: April 20th, 2015 | Comments : none | Categories: Aquatic creatures, beach, blue, Design, food, heart shapes, Heart Shapes In Nature series, heartshaped, Landscape, Oregon, Oregon beaches, Seasonal, Spring, Unusual Interest, USA.

Velella velella beside a blue mussel, Oceanside beach, OR


  Velella velella, also known as By-the-wind sailors, sometimes translucent but more often blue, washing ashore in large numbers in an event called Blue Tide.  Velella velella, also known as By-the-wind sailors, sometimes translucent but more often blue, washing ashore in large numbers in an event called Blue Tide.


Date: January 9th, 2015 | Comments : none | Categories: abstract, City Streets, Elements, Landscape, Oregon, Silhouettes, Unusual Interest, USA, Water, winter.

Striking Shape of an old stump and reflection


Date: October 10th, 2014 | Comments : none | Categories: Autumn, Leaves, Oregon, Seasonal, Trees, Unusual Interest, Urban and State Parks, USA, white.

Unusual white leaves, Tualatin Hills Nature Park, Beaverton, OR


Date: September 16th, 2014 | Comments : none | Categories: Autumn, BC, beach, Canada, Insects, Seasonal, Travel, travel Canada, Unusual Interest, Urban and Provincial Parks, Vancouver Island, yellow.

Wooly Bear Caterpillar, said to predict coming winter weather, Nimkish Lake BC



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