Date: March 20th, 2011 | Comments : none | Categories: Cultures, Environmental issues, issues, Reptiles, Seasonal, Series, Spring, Texas, Travel, Travel USA, Unusual Interest, USA.

Children watch on as snake-wranglers demonstrate - fangs have broken balloons, laying on the ground hereLeft: Children watch on as snake-wranglers demonstrate various tricks goading the rattlesnakes. Fangs have broken the balloons, foreground, during demonstrations at the annual Rattlesnake Roundup in Sweetwater, Texas. The Texan cultural tradition, both horrifying and curiously fascinating, takes place during Springtime every March, when thousands of rattlesnakes are competitively captured each year and placed in pits inside the local arena, with wrangling demonstrations, milking, skinning, tables of bizarre crafts, the sale of deep-fried rattlesnake, and even a meat-eating contest involving Miss Roundup’s participation. Next photo: Individuality – each snake has its own unique markings and colors.


Individuality - each snake has unique skin color and patternsNow that we are moving from Texas and may never live there again, I’m so glad we went. View more photos posted on March 15th 2009, the initial post of Rattlesnake Roundup in Sweetwater TX.


Date: March 16th, 2011 | Comments : none | Categories: Animals, Smile, Texas, Travel, Travel USA, Unusual Interest.

Playful cow near Amarillo, Texas


Date: February 6th, 2011 | Comments : none | Categories: Dallas, Elements, Garden, Leaves, Seasonal, Shadows, Texas, USA, winter.

Bunny tracks in Dallas, TX this


Date: February 5th, 2011 | Comments : none | Categories: abstract, City Streets, Dallas, Design, Elements, Garden, Seasonal, Texas, Trees, Unusual Interest, USA, winter.

Ice on Dogwood buds, formed by slowly dripping melt-off from evestrough Ice on Dogwood buds and branches, looking like alien's hands


Ice on Dogwood buds and branches, looking like a mud-skipper or fish Lewisville Texas, Dogwood tree ice melting


Date: February 1st, 2011 | Comments : none | Categories: Elements, Garden, Leaves, Seasonal, Texas, Unusual Interest, winter.

Icy jewels hanging from tips of Razor Grass


Date: January 10th, 2011 | Comments : none | Categories: City Streets, Elements, Flowers, Garden, Landscape, Leaves, Seasonal, Texas, USA, winter.

Frozen Pansy, Lewisville TX


Holly Scarlet Oak leaf Razor Grass


Razor Grass


Date: January 4th, 2011 | Comments : none | Categories: City Streets, clouds, Dallas, Design, Garden, pink, Seasonal, Series, Silhouettes, Sky, Sunset, Texas, Trees, USA, winter.

Winter Sunset, Lewisville, Texas


Date: December 19th, 2010 | Comments : none | Categories: Dallas, Flowers, Garden, heart shapes, Heart Shapes In Nature series, heartshaped, Seasonal, Series, Texas, winter.

Heart-shaped flaw on pansy


Date: December 16th, 2010 | Comments : none | Categories: Design, Flowers, Garden, purple, Texas, winter.

Velvety purple Pansy, Lewisville TX winter garden


Date: November 25th, 2010 | Comments : none | Categories: Autumn, Flowers, fruit and veggies, red, Seasonal, Texas.

November in Texas - garden bouquet of Mums and Peppers


Date: November 24th, 2010 | Comments : none | Categories: Autumn, food, fruit and veggies, Garden, Green, Seasonal, Texas.

Green Pepper finally start growing in Texas when the weather coolsGreen Pepper finally start growing in Texas when the weather cools. I like to cut the plants with veg still attached and bring them in as bouquet-arrangements combined with other veggies or seasonal flowering plants.


Date: November 17th, 2010 | Comments : none | Categories: Autumn, Design, Garden, Green, Leaves, Texas.

Kalanchoe, a large-leaved succulent Kalanchoe, a large-leaved succulent that I take in during winter, when it suffers but survives enough to thrive for another summer. In ideal conditions the leaves can grow to about 8 inches long x 5 inches at the widest point.


Date: November 11th, 2010 | Comments : none | Categories: Autumn, Garden, Insects, Texas, USA.

Fire Ant massacre, Lewisville, TexasEvery year I have to actively discourage the fire ants from establishing their nest at our back door. The fire ants are always present, but two or three times a year they try to set up their home in ours. Rather than use commercial insecticides, baking soda and boiling hot water work great. If that doesn’t do the trick, bleach diluted in a spray bottle and pure tenacity do the trick. It may take days, going out every hour — each time a layer of ants comes to the surface I bombard them with one of the two solutions. They are not easily discouraged, but finally, living in our house is no longer an option for them…until next time.


Date: November 7th, 2010 | Comments : none | Categories: Autumn, Flowers, Garden, Seasonal, Texas, USA, yellow.

Sunflower bud


Date: November 6th, 2010 | Comments : none | Categories: Autumn, Design, Garden, Green, Insects, Leaves, Seasonal, Texas.

Insect or caterpillar munched on the Canna Lily leaf when it was still curled up. The design of holes appeared as it unfurled.



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