Manitoba is notorious for its clouds of mosquitoes during the summer. 1st photo – Yorkton, Saskatchewan, 2nd photo – about 200 miles west of Winnipeg.
Manitoba is notorious for its clouds of mosquitoes during the summer. 1st photo – Yorkton, Saskatchewan, 2nd photo – about 200 miles west of Winnipeg.
Fields of flax at Rowley, Alberta – across the Canadian prairies, the iconic grain elevators seen in the background here are quickly becoming a thing of the past. Built almost entirely of wood, some have burnt to the ground and many have simply rotted to be replaced by modern metal silos. Rowley Alberta is now a ghost town whose claim to fame is having been a site for the Movie “Bye Bye Blues”. Locals are rebuilding and rejuvenating a few of the original buildings in order to attract tourists.
Canola fields by the North Saskatchewan River, Petrofka Bridge and Doukhobor land. The Doukhobors were Russian immigrants moving to Saskatchewan and the Canadian prairies during the latter part of the 20th century and the early 1900s. To escape the harsh winter they lived in dugouts built partially underground.
The Robert E. Lee Showboat is one of Lowell / Grand Rapids, Michigan’s tourist attractions in the downtown business district.