Date: October 16th, 2015 | Comments : none | Categories: beach, Birds, Oregon, Oregon beaches, rocks, seascape, Travel USA, Urban and State Parks, USA, Water.

Every visit to Oceanside beach the shore is different from the last. This is the first time seeing a Long-billed Dowitcher.


Oceanside, OR Long-billed Dowitcher Oceanside, OR Long-billed Dowitcher Oceanside, OR Long-billed Dowitcher Oceanside, OR Long-billed Dowitcher




Date: October 1st, 2015 | Comments : none | Categories: Autumn, beach, Design, heart shapes, Heart Shapes In Nature series, heartshaped, Oregon, Oregon beaches, Series, USA.

Heart shaped Mussel shell and shadow, Oceanside ORHeart shaped pile of seaweed, Oceanside OR


Date: September 30th, 2015 | Comments : none | Categories: Autumn, beach, Design, Elements, Landscape, Oregon, Oregon beaches, Series, Travel USA, Unusual Interest, Urban and State Parks, USA, Water.

Unusual sand formations created by tide and wind, Oceanside beach, ORUnusual sand formations created by tide and wind, Oceanside and Netarts Bay, OR


Unusual sand formations created by tide and wind, Oceanside beach, ORUnusual sand formations created by tide and wind, Oceanside beach, OR


Unusual sand formations created by tide and wind, Oceanside beach, OR


Date: September 29th, 2015 | Comments : none | Categories: Aquatic creatures, Autumn, beach, Oregon, Oregon beaches, seascape, Seasonal, Unusual Interest, USA.

Baby crab exoskeletons after molting and a Dungeness Crab shell


Clusters of baby Dungeness Crab molted exoskeletons washed up for miles along the shores of Oceanside and Netarts Bay, Oregon.


My foot shows the size of the baby crab exoskeletons Baby crab exoskeletons and a sand dollar, Oceanside, OR


Date: September 28th, 2015 | Comments : none | Categories: Autumn, beach, clouds, Design, Elements, Green, Landscape, Oregon, Oregon beaches, Sky, Trees, USA.

Amazing sky, Netarts Beach, Oregon


Date: September 15th, 2015 | Comments : none | Categories: Autumn, Design, Flowers, Garden, Oregon, pink, Seasonal, USA.

Sedum, Hillsboro, OR


Date: September 8th, 2015 | Comments : none | Categories: Autumn, Design, Flowers, Garden, Oregon, red, Seasonal, yellow.

Painted Daisy, Hillsboro, OR


Date: September 6th, 2015 | Comments : none | Categories: Autumn, clouds, Landscape, Oregon, Seasonal, Shadows, Sky, Travel USA, Trees, USA.

Countryside near Rickreal, OR


Date: September 5th, 2015 | Comments : none | Categories: Autumn, Flowers, Garden, Green, Oregon, pink, purple, Seasonal, white.

AlyssumPurple Basil


Mums, Hillsboro, OR


Date: September 4th, 2015 | Comments : none | Categories: clouds, Elements, Oregon, Sky, Storms, Trees, USA.

Mammatus storm clouds, Deodar Cedar, Hillsboro, OR


Date: August 28th, 2015 | Comments : none | Categories: Aquatic creatures, Autumn, beach, Design, Oregon, Oregon beaches, Seasonal, Unusual Interest, USA.

Millions of baby Mole Crabs washing ashore, Netarts Bay, ORBaby Mole Crabs, Netarts Bay, ORMillions of baby Mole Crabs washing ashore, Netarts Bay, OR


Date: August 23rd, 2015 | Comments : none | Categories: Elements, Environmental issues, issues, Landscape, Oregon, Seasonal, Silhouettes, Sky, Summer, Travel USA, Trees, USA, Washington State.

Forest fires affecting air quality, Hwy 47 near Amity, Oregon


Forest fires in Washington and Oregon affecting air quality, Hwy 47 near Amity, Oregon



Date: July 7th, 2015 | Comments : none | Categories: conservation, Design, Environmental issues, Green, issues, Landscape, Oregon, Summer, Travel, Travel USA, Trees, USA.

Shepherd's Flat Wind Farm near Arlington, ORStorm near Echo, OR on the Oregon TrailShepherd’s Flat Wind Farm near Arlington, OR and storm over flat terrain near Echo, OR on the Oregon Trail, just before crossing the Wallowa Mountains.


Greenwood Tree Farm, Columbia Basin, Hwy 84, OregonDriving past the perfectly aligned poplar trees on the Greenwood Tree Farm, Columbia Basin, Hwy 84, eastern Oregon. Large sections of trees at various ages can be seen from the highway. The company specializes in the hybridization of fast-growing, high yield poplar trees, and managing sustainable tree farms with the aim to help reduce reliance on natural forests and non-renewable energy sources.


Date: June 27th, 2015 | Comments : none | Categories: Flowers, Garden, Oregon, purple, Seasonal, Summer.

Black HollyhocksBlack Hollyhocks are actually dark purple, but look black in low light. The thing about Hollyhocks is their vulnerability to rust. It’s next to impossible to prevent rust. The plants will still bloom, but to keep them looking decent in the garden, leaves must be removed on a regular basis.


Date: June 25th, 2015 | Comments : none | Categories: Flowers, Garden, Insects, Oregon, Seasonal, Shadows, Summer, USA, white.

Double daisies, Hillsboro OR garden



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