Happy Halloween! If you don’t purchase a pumpkin too soon before Halloween night, it can be used to make pumpkin pie. However, some really gross mold, mildew and puckering can be created by carved pumpkins sitting in the sun for 10 days, really adding to the character.
…Heaven’s in our hearts…
Excerpt from “Heaven’s Here On Earth” by Tracy Chapman from her CD, “New Beginnings”:
Heaven’s here on earth
in our faith in humankind
in our respect for what is earthly
in our unfaltering belief in peace and love and understanding.
I’ve seen and met angels wearing the disguise of ordinary people leading ordinary lives,
filled with love compassion forgiveness and sacrifice.
Heaven’s in our hearts.
Green Pepper finally start growing in Texas when the weather cools. I like to cut the plants with veg still attached and bring them in as bouquet-arrangements combined with other veggies or seasonal flowering plants.
This yellow pepper started rotting in just the right place so I cut eyes and made a Halloween Pepper.
..October morning in the garden..