Lepidoptera Papilioninae – In Andrew Brown Park, Coppell, Texas there were 20-30 Swallowtails fluttering in a small patch of wild vetch. The butterflies were nowhere else in the park except this one spot. I was mesmerized watching the flashes of black and metallic blue against the green and violet plants.
Firewheels – Gaillardia – en masse! Andrew Brown Park, Coppell, TX

No fear; Dove nesting in the wreath beside the back door, Lewisville, TX

Howler Youth, Dallas World Aquarium, Dallas, Texas. The Howlers are m favorite subject at the DWA, which is really so much more than an aquarium. They are very difficult to photograph though, because they curl up together just beyond the branches.
Cottontop Tamarin, DW Aquarium, Dallas, TX